By default, nobody can read a BuddyPress private message unless it was sent or received by the current logged-in member.
Occasionally, there is a need to respond to member complaints about another member harassing them via abusive messages.
This tool allows site administrators to review the messages sent or received by any member.
It provides a wp-admin screen available via Tools > BP Messages.
Site administrators are also given the option to delete a message thread.

BP Messages Tool requires WordPress 4.0 or higher and BuddyPress 2.0 or higher.
It is compatible with the latest versions of WordPress and BuddyPress and BuddyBoss.
BP Messages Tool
Love this tool, is there any way to increase the ‘last 10 messages’ even further?
Yes, if you are comfortable with tweaking a php file.
Open this file in a text editor:
Find this code:
ORDER BY m.date_sent DESC LIMIT 10
And change the
to some other integer.Save the file and upload to the directory for this plugin.
Hi this tool is great.
Is there a way to send messages on my site periodically to my email so I can keep an eye on messages without having to always login?
Is there a way to watch for new messages via API so I could send to slack for example?
Interesting idea, but no. And we do not plan to add that functionality.
Thanks for creating this tool!
Is there a way to remove the ability to delete threads?
No. But you could rewrite the plugin any way you wish.